Insights from Agile Expert Scott M. Graffius in ‘Managing Information Technology’ Book
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Tags: "The MVP has just those features considered sufficient for it to be of value to customers and allow for it to be shipped or sold to early adopters. Customer feedback will inform future development of the product.", “Scrum requires teams to build an increment of functionality during every sprint, and the increment must be potentially shippable because the Product Owner might decide to release it at the end of the sprint.”, Agile, Agile Author, #AgileConsultant, EA x AI, Exceptional Agility AI, AI, #AI, #KeynoteSpeaker, #TechSpeaker, #Technology, #TechConsultant, #MinimumViableProduct, #Sprint, #MVPs, #Startup, #Speaker, #ExceptionalAgility, #CSP, #CSPO, #CertifiedScrumMaster, #CSM, #Agility, #AgileSpeaker, #AgileScrumGuide, #AgileProjectManager, #ScrumMaster, #Scrum, #MVP, #PublicSpeaker, #ProductBacklog, #ProductIncrement, #AgilePM, #AgileExpert, #Agile, #AgileAuthor, Agile Consultant, CSP, CSPO, Facebook, Exceptional Agility, ScrumMaster, Spotify, Technology Consultant, MVP, MVPs, Technology Speaker, Technology, Minimum Viable Products, Minimum Viable Product, Groupon, Keynoter, Keynote Speaker, International Speaker, Information Technology, Scrum Master, Scott M. Graffius, Product Increment, Scrum Alliance, CSM, Public Speaker, Potentially shippable , Scrum, Product Backlog,, Agility, Agile Speaker, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, Speaker, Tech Speaker, Shipping is a business decision, Author, Certified ScrumMaster, Certified Scrum Professional,, Agile Scrum Guide, PSPI, Sprint, Agile Scrum, Agile Project Manager, Agile Project Management, Tech Consultant, Startups, Agile Expert
Exceptional Agility CEO Scott M. Graffius Recognized as a Top Thought Leader on Agile
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Tags: Agile, Agile Coach, Agile Culture, EA x AI, Exceptional Agility AI, AI, #AI, Agile Leadership, #AgileCulture, #ThoughtLeader, #Keynoter, #Startup, #Speaker, #BusinessAgility, #ExceptionalAgility, #Scrum, #PublicSpeaker, #KeynoteSpeaker, #Agility, #Innovation, #AgileTransformationBook, #AgileTransformation, #AgileThoughtLeader, #AgileLeadership, #AgileCoach, #Agile, Scrum, CSM, Thought Leader Scott M. Graffius, Startup, Technology, Public Speaker Scott M. Graffius, International Public Speaker Scott M. Graffius, Agile Transformation Book, Agility, Innovation, Business Agility, Exceptional Agility, Agile Project Management
Agile's History: From Early Foundations to the Agile Manifesto and Beyond
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Tags: #AgileDevelopment, #ScrumFramework, Hirotaka Takeuchi, Agile History Infographic, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Dean Leffingwell and Drew Jemilo, Patrick Debois, John Allspaw and Paul Hammond, DevOps, story mapping, Jeff Patton, backlog grooming, Backlog refinement, Kane Mar, Planning Poker, Mike Cohn, Lean, Mary Poppendieck, Manifesto for Agile Software Development, burndown chart, Agile Manifesto, continuous integration, Martin Fowler, pair programming, Extreme Programming (XP), Alistair Cockburn, Scrum, Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland, John Scumniotales, and Jeff McKenna at Easel Corporation, stand-up meeting, Jim Coplien, iterations, timeboxing, James Martin, Agile software development, refactoring, Bill Opdyke, DuPont’s Rapid Iterative Production Prototyping, timebox approach, Ikujiro Nonaka, "The New New Product Development Game", Tom Gilb introduced the Evolutionary Delivery Model, #DevOps, Leo Brodie, Agile’s information radiators, Toyota introduced visual control, IBM’s Harlan Mills, Project Mercury, Agile's History - Visualized, Exceptional Agility, Exceptional Agility AI, #ExceptionalAgility, #ExceptionalAgilityAI, #ProjectManagement, #SoftwareEngineering, #ContinuousIntegration, #AgileManifesto, #ScaledAgile, #LeanSoftware, #ExtremeProgramming