Tags: Top 10 Books on Agile, Top 10 Agile Books, Clinton Keith, EA x AI, Exceptional Agility AI, AI, #AI, Walter Isaacson, The Innovators, Michael Bungay Stanier, The Coaching Habit, Harold Kerzner, Innovation Project Management, Darrell K. Rigby, Sarah Elk, and Steven H. Berez, Doing Agile Right, Lyssa Adkins, Coaching Agile Teams, Robert C. Martin, Clean Code, Esther Derby and Diana Larsen, Agile Retrospectives, Jim Highsmith, Agile Project Management, Agile Game Development, Mike Cohn, EA, Exceptional Agility, ExceptionalAgility.com, Agile Estimating and Planning, Top 10 Agile Books for 2024, #Agile, #AgileBooks, #AgileProjectManagement, #AgileProjectManagementBooks